Menu wpisu The for loop in C# Loops are conditional instructions along with the most important elements in the programming. Allow for multiple execute the same block of code, you can also use them to gain access to all the elements of the collection. The following entry contains a description of the for loop along…
Month: May 2015
Check the C # switch statement (redirected)
Menu wpisu Check the C # switch statement Check statement switch is instructed by the multiple choice, allowing to define the code if one of the fixed value. Dependence of switch with if The switch statement performs checking a series of conditions for a particular variable by what may well be replaced by an if…
Conditional if-else C# (redirected)
Menu wpisu Conditional if-else C# Conditional statement in computer programming is used to determine the conditions which must be satisfied by the data event could take place. Examples of such need is many: checking the age of the user, the State of the connection, or the breakdown of groups due to the value of the…
C # comparison operations (redirected)

Menu wpisu C # comparison operations Comparing values when programming allows you to check the relationships between variables. The result of the check is always true or false. The C # language provides the following comparison operators: Examples of the use of a comparison of two values, and assign the result to a variable of…
Logical operations (C#) (redirected)

Menu wpisu Logical operations (C#) When programming a logical necessity appears constantly checking variable values. The number of applications is very diverse, allowing for example. to control the event occurring, check the availability of the function, or the management of the people logged on. The C # language provides the following logical operators: & Operator-AND…
ComboBox C # WPF-Add Items, Text, and Value (redirected)
![[2, Jan]](
The following applies to add rows to the ComboBox controls in WPF. Presented examples refer to controls named “comboPerson“. Menu wpisu Add a record to the ComboBox C # WPF Add another row in the ComboBox’ie is implemented by using the function Items (); As an argument, you must enter a new object (), which…